Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Dr. Randy Pausch s Lecture At Carnegie Mellon University

In the West, life and death is a very sensitive topic. So many people are obsessed with living as long as they can and trying to put off what will come regardless. Dr. Randy Pausch presented to the world a different view on death. He came out with the bold attitude towards death based on the idea that anyone can always have fun and enjoy life despite the fact that there is a definite ending. Pausch was able to persuade the four hundred some-odd people in the hall to shift their focus away from death and more towards the childhood dreams of both themselves and others. He is able to present a solid argument that it is certainly possible to lead a life full of happiness and fulfillment as long as one is focused on bettering the lives of those around them. Pausch gave his lecture at Carnegie Mellon University on September 18th, 2007. At this point, doctors had expected him to last another three to six months. Pausch was a professor at CMU, and as tradition, retiring professors give a fin al lecture as their goodbye. The idea is to give a speech as though one was dying. It is here that one can find extreme irony, as Pausch really was dying. This is not the only source of irony, however. There is more irony surrounding the timing of the speech. Pausch gave his lecture at the beginning of the school year. While those around him were starting a new chapter of their lives, he was beginning his last. The juxtaposition of the two is almost comical in a dark way. That s not all,Show MoreRelatedDr. Randy Computer Science At Carnegie Mellon University1474 Words   |  6 Pages Dr. Randy Pausch, a professor of computer science at Carnegie-Mellon University who was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, educated me with his powerful inspirational message. Dr. Randy Pausch, 47 years old man who has terminal cancer with a life expectancy of a few months gave me a life lesson. He thought me how to achieve dreams also how to face death. Being diagnosed with any kinds of cancer is deva stating and despairing, but for him it was opposite; he was happy and cognitively healthy during

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