Sunday, November 3, 2019

Comparing three articles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Comparing three articles - Essay Example nvest millions of shillings in adverts just to reach the largest target audience with product information, and consequently, persuade or influence them to buy the product. Non-profit organizations also advertize their messages to raise awareness on various matters that affect communities. Successful ads create desire and interest in the target audience and persuade them to purchase the product in question. Furthermore, these ads provide additional information about the product or service that the consumer may not have been aware of. With the current stiff competition among businesses, use of efficient and proven techniques give firms an edge over their competitors. Though consumers are exposed to millions of adverts, each of these is unique as they each try to use techniques that draw maximum attention of the consumers to the product. Advertisers strive to make ads memorable, convincing, and exciting using visual effects and relevant language for a particular audience. They achieve t his with simple, persuasive, and clear language. Language is powerful and significant tool for human beings to communicate effectively with others. Therefore, the use of relevant and appropriate language in marketing and advertising brings success in the communication process. All firms select appropriate advertisement language to persuade their audience and make their ads successful. Additionally, words of various languages have their denotations. However, these words also have different connotations meaning their emotional associations. Advertisers have taken full advantage of these connotations to efficiently construct persuasive messages that evoke consumers’ emotions. Baumgartner in the article, It’s All in the Detail states that dealers usually feel they have done their job when customers emotionally feel something after viewing their ads. In clarification, O’Neill in The Language of Advertising explains that most clients experience emotional connections to the ads after

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