Friday, November 1, 2019

Services Marketing - Internal marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Services Marketing - Internal marketing - Essay Example It has definite advantages over the traditional way of transacting business (Amit & Zott, 2000). It eliminates paper and paper work through market automation, online transactions and payments. The governments too use the e-platform to offers service to the public Another commonly used definition of service is proposed by Kotler (1991). "Any act or performance that one party can offer to another that is essentially intangible and does not result in the ownership of anything. Provision of services and information through the internet is the primary objective of the government in most developed countries (Buckley, 2003). The private sector is much ahead in offering web based services and the motivation and outcome in web based public and private sectors provision of services differ. In the public sector the motivation and the objectives in offering e-services are numerous which makes it difficult to measure the service quality. The motivation and objectives in the private sector centre on profits and hence easily measurable. Two web based service offerings - one each from the public and private sector would be assessed in line with current service marketing models. The report first of all examines the public and private services characteristics inline with service characteristics model. The government and the public sector hav... The motivation and objectives in the private sector centre on profits and hence easily measurable. Two web based service offerings - one each from the public and private sector would be assessed in line with current service marketing models. The report first of all examines the public and private services characteristics inline with service characteristics model. The government and the public sector have committed themselves to service quality and customer orientation (Buckley, 2003). The service quality in the health care sector too has received importance. In public health services the tension between orientations towards care provision and customer satisfaction is believed to be insurmountable. The internet has provided the opportunity to overcome the difficulties in service delivery. In order to augment its service, the UK National Health Service (NHS) started offering 24-hour help and advice service conducted by nurses. This was initially offered over the telephone through NHS Direct. With the advent of technology they soon introduced NHS Direct Online in 1999 Although service industries are themselves quite heterogeneous, there are some service characteristics upon which it is useful to generalize. The characteristics discussed in this right up are: Intangibility Inseparability Heterogeneity Perishability 1.1Intangibility Service are not tangible, as stated by Berry: " A good is an object, a device, a thing; a service is a deed, a performance, an effort" (Berry, 1984). When a service is purchased, there is generally nothing tangible to show for it. This is evidence in both private and public services hooked over the web. As argued by Berry, "Services are consumed but not possessed"

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