Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Poetry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Poetry - Essay Example The poem â€Å"God’s Will for You and Me† by an unknown author seems to be written for the gentle of spirit, almost childlike in its’ innocence. The dominant theme running throughout is one of goodness. In an effort to impress upon the reader the importance of being a good person in order to carry out God’s will, the author hopes to set an example of ways to be to do so. The ending few lines impart to us a way to be faithful to his will itself. The mood is both cheerful and hopeful, as the reader may be inspired to act in such a way as to find favor with the Lord. Love he states should be the daily motivating influence. The Title â€Å"God’s Will for You and Me† is itself the message throughout the poem and is significant because of what it represents. It is quite a feat to live by God’s Will and the poem is daring in its’ desire to impress upon us the necessity of doing so. The motif throughout is further amplified by the sweetness of what is being said and by the many literary devices the author uses. The definitive stance the author has adopted is a way of being good in order to carry out God’s will. The mental and emotional disposition of goodness lends itself to an atmosphere with the same feeling. We feel gentle and sweet when reading it because of the sentiment so ably illustrated with the choice of words. The tone achieved is instrumental in evoking an appropriate inspirational feeling from the reader. We are compelled to act accordingly after imbuing the essence of the innocent sentiments expressed. The poem seems to be written almost as a stream of consciousness with an uninterrupted flow of thoughts and ideas. Here we see the author’s thinking process as a unified idea carried out. Flowing from one thought to the next, we see illustrated a number of ways we can model ourselves and our actions to carry out god’s will. Being â€Å"gentle and kind†, â€Å"merciful and mild† and â€Å"just to be cheery when things go wrong† are all things we can aspire to. The poem reads as a narrative of the author’s thoughts instead of a dialogue with the reader. A feeling of verisimilitude is created as we listen to the lofty ideals expressed in the poem. The lines are stated so matter of factly as to be true. They are structured as sentiments but sound almost like commands. With the influence of God written into the piece we can trust that this is the way to be. It seems to be an allegory for a grander concept. Simply stated, each line and sentiment sp eaks to us of being good. Gentle, kind, merciful, all speak to us about the teachings of the church. As we read the examples of good behavior we can sense the higher aspirations we can ascribe to. In hoping to carry out God’s will we can all benefit ourselves by living our lives in such a way. It is further stated that this is the way God wants us to be and we the devout can take comfort in this, hoping to be pleasing to the Lord. Rhyme and Rhyme Scheme â€Å"God’s Will for You and Me† is written in such an innocent way and almost seems to be addressed to a child. With the use of alliteration it has the quality of a nursery rhyme in both the internal rhyme and the rhyme scheme. It is actually a sonnet. Sonnets are often sweet

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